Bosphorus (7588482089116)
Bosphorus (7588482089116)
Bosphorus (7588482089116)
Bosphorus (7588482089116)


Introduce artistic beauty into your home decor with the Bosphorus rug. Inspired by botanic wonders, this hand tufted rug evokes serene beauty with its intricate florals in a bouquet of gentle hues. An exquisite piece to elevate your living space with an exquisite and timeless feel.

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Clover (7360600309916)



At Champo, we believe in nurturing strong relations with clients and our partners and therefore we would love to stay in touch with you for the future. Please let us know for any rug or home accessories queries.


Experience the warmth of the Ashlie, a hand-tufted rug with a unique beige and grey palette. Constructed from viscose for a luxurious feel, this rug will bring comfort and style to any room.

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